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What you will see from VO at NAB Show 2024

NAB Show 2024 and a trip to Las Vegas is coming up fast. This is what you can expect to see on Booth W3710 and around the rest of the Halls this year.

VO at NAB Show 2024

The industry heads to NAB Show 2024 and Las Vegas in a few weeks with several subjects dominating conversations. From AI to the importance of monetization, there are definite themes to the developments on both the technical side of the industry and in the business models that technology enables and accelerates.

We start with AI, and one of the things that is becoming increasingly apparent is that companies cannot just throw AI at any problem and hope to reap a benefit. There needs to be a sound underlying system in operation for AI to produce the sort of returns that people are expecting. It is not a magic bullet; it is a powerful tool when used the right way, but it cannot transform a flawed workflow into a class-leading one overnight.

At VO we have been using AI for a decade and more now, and have been at the forefront of some of the innovations that the new breed of generative AI tools is bringing to the Industry. And while we are rapidly reaching the point where it is becoming unnecessary to mention that AI plays a part in any product or solution, as it is truly a key component nowadays in almost everything, it is worth drawing attention to a couple of specific areas that we will be showcasing on Booth W3710 in the West Hall of the LVCC.

MEET US @ NAB 2024!

Introducing VO Segmenter and more

The first of these is our new audience segmentation service, VO Segmenter. Effective audience segmentation is a key part in the successful delivery of targeted TV advertising, but analyzing the data to create segments has historically been a difficult and sometimes inexact science. The reliance on algorithms has become paramount following legislation around the world to restrict the use of third-party data, and relying on first-party data alone has not always given broadcasters the exact results that they seek. 

VO Segmenter does just that, combining first-party data with intuitive rule-based queries, powerful AI/ML models, and generative AI capabilities to allow service providers and broadcasters to segment their audiences with precision. It collects and analyses data from every corner of the video delivery ecosystem to segment audiences on a large number of criteria, including geography, demography, psychographic insights such as preferred genres, and behavioral criteria (think late night viewing or binge watching). These together allow users to present carefully selected audiences to advertisers looking to deliver targeted commercials, as well as understand their audiences better.

We will be writing more about VO Segmenter in the run up to the show. Watch out for it, it’s really interesting technology and has already been selected as a BaM Award finalist. 

We will also be showing the way we utilize Large Language Models through our integration with LLM on Microsoft Azure, which of course includes the OpenAI service, to improve and further optimize personalized content delivery, personalized recommendations, and content security.

Attendees at the event will also be able to find out more about the way we are utilizing generative AI for personalizing video content at a session over in the Broadcast Engineering and IT Conference where our Chief Technology Officer, Alain Nochimowski will present a deep dive into the subject. Check out The Power of Generative AI for Personalizing Video Content for a synopsis. The session takes place on Monday April 15 at 11.50-12.10 in rooms W222-W223.

Back on our booth, we will be showing how our QoX Suite enables operators and service providers to provide superior streaming experiences. This is offered now via an as-a-Service model, featuring state-of-the-art QoE and QoS, monitoring, device monitoring, and proactive failure prediction. Survey after survey shows that poor quality video and service buffering are some of the biggest annoyances to consumers. As the importance of live streaming grows, including the new critical battleground of live sports streaming, so the need for robust, reliable, low-latency, high-quality streaming solutions becomes ever more critical.

We will also be unveiling Multi-X, our new cross-platform solution that enables service providers to manage distinct and diverse operational groups through a single unified offering. We have called it Multi-X because it can differentiate between multiple regions, multiple brands, and multiple enterprises, providing a fully customized TV experience for each subgroup within those profiles.

A busy show ahead

It’s going to be a busy show for us. And it’s going to be a busy show for the entire industry we believe. There are many core issues that need examining and even discussing as we move forward at all levels of the business, from C-level to the consumer.

  • How do we implement AI in a responsible manner without eviscerating the creative industries and guarding against disinformation and deep fakes? 
  • How is the streaming industry developing and is FAST set to have the same impact worldwide as it did in the US? 
  • What will be the impact of a new generation of smart glasses led by the Apple Vision Pro? 
  • Will we see a new wave of immersive media development as a result? 
  • How can we further harness data to drive the creative and delivery processes? (we have much to say about that!)
  • How can we safeguard content in a rapidly evolving piracy landscape
  • And how do we do all that in a sustainable manner that lowers both costs and carbon?


All this means that NAB Show 2024 is going to be busy and fascinating. It will be different too, as the show floor now opens on Sunday and the North Hall is closed for renovation. We are in the West Hall as usual, just inside the entrance, and we look forward to seeing you on Booth W3710 — either use the Tesla-driven Vegas Loop to get to the West Hall from the Central Hall, or find us by foot as NAB promises what it refers to as ‘a new hallway’ connecting the two. Safe travels. And remember: what happens in Vegas (in this case at least) doesn’t stay in Vegas but rather influences businesses around the world.

NAB Show 2024 West Hall


Atika Boulgaz

Atika Boulgaz is EVP Global Communication at Viaccess-Orca. She has 360° communication vision and experience thanks to several positions within the Orange Group, notably at Wanadoo and Orange France. After three years in the Gaming Unit (GOA) of the Orange Content Division she became expert in Press Relations, Event Management and Advertising. Atika joined Viaccess-Orca in 2010 and she is now managing the Marketing Communications and Internal Communication activities for the company. Atika graduated with a Masters degree in Communication and Advertising from INSEEC Paris.